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RealFlight 9.5 Flight Simulator, Software Only, RFL1201
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RealFlight 9.5 Flight Simulator, Software Only, RFL1201

Product ID: 244348154
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*If your computer does not have a DVD drive you can use an external DVD drive (sold separately), or you can download the RealFlight 9.5 software here www.realflight.com/dlrf9 (then follow the onscreen directions accordingly; you will need the serial number included with the DVDs to activate the RF9.5 software after downloading/installing it) OverviewRealFlight® is the #1 RC flight simulator in the world! It's the absolute best tool new RC pilots can use when learning how to fly. It also makes it possible for experienced RC pilots to practice new maneuvers and to hone their skills so they can become even better pilots. With more than 170 different aircraft to fly — including airplanes, helicopters, drones and more — at over 40 different flying sites, plus the ability to edit aircraft and sites, there's an almost infinite number of flying options available. Add in game-like challenges that make flight training fun, multiplayer options so you can fly and compete with other pilots online, compatibility with VR headsets, and many, many more features, and you have everything you need to succeed at the field — because you can "fly" on a desktop at home, or on a laptop just about anywhere else!RealFlight 9.5 adds more of the most popular aircraft from the Best Brands in RC, along with the AMA Headquarters' International Aeromodeling Center (IAC) Flying Site 3 and additional Virtual Flight Instructor lessons, to deliver an experience you simply can't find anywhere else. RealFlight 9.5 includes more than a dozen new aircraft* from E-flite®, HobbyZone®, Hangar 9®, and Synergy: HobbyZone AeroScout™ S 1

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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