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Herman Miller Setu Ergonomic Office Chair with Kinematic Spine | H-Alloy Base and Translucent Casters |Graphite Frame and Lyris Fabric
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Herman Miller Setu Ergonomic Office Chair with Kinematic Spine | H-Alloy Base and Translucent Casters |Graphite Frame and Lyris Fabric

Product ID: 35334456
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There's a height adjustment. That's it. How refreshing! Setu is such a sophisticated task chair that its movement and conformation to your body are controlled simply by your weight when you sit down. This innovation is made possible by the simple complexity of the chair's Kinematic SpineTM, designed to combine strength and a flexibility that bends and moves automatically with your every move. And by the elastomeric fabric that provides superior suspension and conforms to your contours. Simplicity created by geometry: Mathematics replaces mechanisms. Features: • The Not-so-secret Secret: Polypropylene: After testing dozens of materials, we found that the smartest solution was also the simplest-the same material used to make toothbrushes and garbage cans. It's the unique combination of two different polypropylenes-one for the spine, another for the spokes-that helps create the perfect combination of strength and flex in a lightweight and durable form. • Cool and Supple: Lyris 2 suspension material is an advance in support. Air flow keeps you cool. The material's double interlocking weave construction adds strength and durability for a firm sit and a distinctive sheen. Working in concert with the spine, Lyris 2 distributes your weight evenly and conforms to your contours. It's another example of elegance in the name of performance. • Less Is...Less Impact on the Earth: Setu chairs are manufactured using 100 percent green electrical energy-half from wind and half from captured landfill off-gassing. And the production produces no air or water emissions. The chair weighs only 18 pounds. The durable uncoated H-Alloy aluminum base is naturally anti-corrosive and requires no harmful toxins. Made with 42 percent recycled materials, Setu chairs are 93 percent recyclable. • Task-ready: The Setu chair has a five-star base for stability while working and casters to keep you mobile.

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Ravi S.

I loved the variety of products available. Will definitely shop again.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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