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Aquaphor Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant, 14 Oz Jar
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Aquaphor Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant, 14 Oz Jar

Product ID: 456004819
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Aquaphor Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant is a multi-purpose solution for many of your skincare needs. This body moisturizer ointment is designed specifically for dry, compromised skin and is clinically proven to restore smooth, healthy looking skin. Aquaphor dry skin ointment is ideal for extremely dry, cracked skin, and chapped lips. Aquaphor is the #1 dermatologist recommended brand for dry, cracked skin and minor wound care (1), and this ointment soothes and helps protect skin to enhance healing from skin irritations such as minor cuts and burns, cracked cuticles and dry feet, heels, hands and lips. Aquaphor Healing Ointment can also help prevent chafing and helps protect skin from drying effects of wind and cold weather. This skin ointment works by creating a protective barrier on the skin that also allows for the flow of oxygen and excess fluid to create an ideal healing environment. This unique ointment is formulated with Petrolatum (skin protectant) plus Provitamin B5, Bisabolol, Glycerin and Lanolin Alcohol to protect, soothe and moisturize skin so you can get on with your day comfortably. Apply Aquaphor Healing Ointment to affected areas as needed. Each of the ingredients in Aquaphor skin care products are tested and approved for their quality and safety, and suitability for sensitive, compromised skin. (1) ProVoice survey, January 2017 One 14 ounce jar of Aquaphor Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant Aquaphor is one essential solution for many skin care needs; use on dry, cracked skin, as a lip moisturizer, facial moisturizer or minor wound care This Aquaphor Healing Ointment is designed specifically for dry, compromised skin and clinically proven to restore smooth, healthy skin Use as a replacement for a foot cream or hand cream to help heal dry cracked hands, cuticles and feet Different from body lotion, this ointment is water-free and soothes skin while creating a protective barrier to allow the flow of oxygen for healing Frequent exposure to water, harsh weather, soap or sanitizer can cause dry hands; use Aquaphor to protect skin and restore moisture to enhance healing Aquaphor Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant formula is preservative and fragrance free and is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic

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Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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