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Contigo Kids Water Bottle with Autospout Straw, Green Matcha Dragon, 14fl oz.
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Contigo Kids Water Bottle with Autospout Straw, Green Matcha Dragon, 14fl oz.

Product ID: 474322989
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Fret no more, the Contigo Kids 14oz Green Matcha Dragon Autospout straw water bottle with an easy-clean lid has come to the rescue. Kids get a kick out of pressing a button to open the pop-up straw for effortless one-handed drinking, and they can easily push the spout under the cover to protect the mouthpiece from the elements. Adults appreciate that the straw features a spill-proof valve so car seats and tables are safe from spills, even if little ones hold the bottle upside down. When it's time to clean up, you'll be happy to know that all parts are top-rack dishwasher-safe, the lid easily disassembles for full-access cleaning, and the lid is designed to eliminate all nooks and crannies in which dirt and grime might accumulate. Rest assured, your new water bottle is made with FDA-approved, BPA-free materials that won't give off plastic odors or tastes. For ages 3 and up. The new spout design is secure and easy to use, making it, even more, kid-friendly The pop-up straw features a 100% spill-proof valve that prevents spills even when the spout is open Easy-clean Lid is designed to eliminate nooks and crannies where dirt and grime could get trapped BPA-free plastic lid and body are top-rack dishwasher-safe for easy clean-ups Straw is a cinch to disassemble for thorough cleaning but stays tethered so there are no loose parts to misplace Kids enjoy an easy one-handed drinking experience at the push of a button

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